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Advertise with HHRA!

Hazel Heights Residents Association (HHRA) was founded in 2023. Our diverse community includes a mix of seniors, growing families as well as new and long term residents.  The community is situated close to the Credit River and consists primarily of single family homes.  Our residents are connected and feel a strong sense of community.  With the support of HHRA, there have been opportunities to participate in community building activities and improvements designed to improve neighbourhood safety and facilities such as our local park and road safety measures. 

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We welcome community members who own or operate local  businesses & organizations to advertise with HHRA.  Your sponsorship will enable you to: 

  • reach over 557 homes in the Hazel Heights neighbourhood;

  • support a growing and active residents association focused on working with local officials, community organizations and businesses to improve the quality of community life;

  • participate in future sponsorship opportunities such as community-events and print/digital newsletters.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact us at our email: 

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